Muscles allow us to run, jump, dance, and play sports. But overusing them can cause painful injuries.
Pulled muscles, or strains, can cause sudden pain, muscle weakness, spams and inflammation. These strains occur when muscle tissue become damage, split, or are too stretched out. The tears may be due to pressure on the muscle, sudden twisting, excessive use, or lifting heavy weights too fast or too awkwardly. They can occur anywhere in the body. However, three particular muscle strains can sideline injured people for weeks.
Groin muscle strains can happen during any activity that puts a lot of strain on inner thigh muscles. A serious groin pull can make it impossible for the injured person to walk until the muscle is repaired, or it heals. Special groin workouts can help enhance these muscles so that they are less likely to get injured.
Back muscle strains anytime stretches back muscle too far. When that happens, the injured person may not be able to move or even get out of bed for a few days. Adults are much more likely to suffer from back muscle strains than children or adolescents. Risks factors include being out of shape, being overweight, and not lifting heavy objects properly. Doctors used to advise bed rest for serious back pain. However, after using RICE techniques: relax, ice, compression, and elevation. Many experts now recommend gentle movement and specific workouts after a few days to strengthen back muscles.
Neck muscle strains happen when neck muscles snap or stretch too far. The cause may be any sort of incident that causes whiplash. Or it may be as simple as sleeping with your head in a twisted position. Anyone who has been in any sort of incident, or anyone with neck pain, should seek medical treatment right away.
Good post! Very informative, keep it up!